• Live Q&A Sessions

Live Q&A Sessions

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Please download the Zoom app and create or sign in to your account, then follow the link below to join the live session.

We welcome your feedback! Please let us know how you went with your Live Q&A session via the LiveChat bubble at the bottom right of the screen.
Monday 24th August
10am - 10.30am
How the Skills and Job Centre can help you
12pm - 12.30pm
A Career in Beauty
1pm - 1.30pm
Official opening with The Hon. Gayle Tierney, Minister for Training and Skills
2pm - 2.30pm
A career in Health Support
Individual Support  |   Aged Care  |  Allied Health  |  Health Administration
4pm - 4.30pm
A career in Design and Visual Arts
6pm - 6.30pm
How do I enrol?
Student Administration
Tuesday 25th August
10am - 10.30am
A career in Leadership, Management & Business
Leadership & Management | Business 
12pm - 12.30pm
A career in Construction and Trades
Building & Construction | Plumbing | Electrical
1pm - 1.30pm
Industry on the couch
2pm - 2.30pm
A career in Information Technology 
4pm - 4.30pm
A career in Light Automotive 
Light Automotive  |  Engineering  |   Transport and Logistics
6pm - 6.30pm
GAP Year Careers Advice for Teachers
Wednesday 26th August
10am - 10.30am
Keep going and stay on track with Student Support
Student Support Services
12pm - 12.30pm
A career in Food and Hospitality
1pm - 1.30pm
How do I enrol?
Student Administration 
2pm - 2.30pm
A career in Accounting
4pm - 4.30pm
A career in Early Childhood 
Early Childhood
6pm - 6.30pm
Apprenticeships and Traineeships 
Thursday 27th August
10am - 10.30am
A career in in Horticulture & Agriculture 
Horticulture  |  Agriculture  |  SMART Farming
12pm - 12.30pm
A career in Heavy Auto 
Heavy Auto
1pm - 1.30pm
Scholarship information | Chances for Children
2pm - 2.30pm
A career in Conservation and Land Management 
4pm - 4.30pm
A career in Community Services
Community Services  |  Education Support  |  Disability  |  Mental Health
6pm - 6.30pm
GAP Year Careers Advice for Students and Parents
Friday 28th August
10am - 10.30am
A career in Training and Assessment
12pm - 12.30pm
General Education | (VCAL) | Learn English 
1pm - 1.30pm
VETDSS options for 2021
2pm - 2.30pm
A career in Nursing
4pm - 4.30pm
A Career in Construction and Trades
Building and Construction  |  Plumbing  |  Electrical
How Did you go? Let us know how you went with our Live Q&A Sessions via the LiveChat bubble at the bottom right of this page!