SuniTAFE 2023 Graduation: A Milestone of Community Collaboration

21 Apr 2024

The Sunraysia community celebrated a pivotal moment of achievement on Wednesday 27 March 2024, as SuniTAFE held its 2023 Graduation and Awards Ceremony.

This event underscored the Institute’s integral role in fostering education, skill development, and lifelong learning within the community, showcasing the success of its graduates across a range of disciplines.

Celebrating a Diverse Cohort of Graduates

In 2023, SuniTAFE saw 426 students complete programs ranging from Certificate I courses to Advanced Diplomas, alongside 171 apprentices and 40 trainees completing their studies.

This diverse group of graduates demonstrates SuniTAFE's commitment to providing comprehensive educational pathways that cater to various career aspirations and life stages.

Among the distinguished attendees was Sunraysia Community Health Services CEO Darren Midgley, who presented the Health High Achiever Award.

Midgley emphasised the critical role of SuniTAFE graduates in the regional healthcare ecosystem, highlighting how education addresses social determinants of health and fosters essential skills for the community’s well-being.

“Education is critical in addressing many of the social determinates of health, and SuniTAFE is an absolutely critical education service for our community,” Mr Midgley said.

He also congratulated the broad spectrum of graduates, from young adults to those in their 50s and 60s, as a testament to the value of lifelong learning.

Strengthening Educational and Community Ties

The ceremony also shone a light on the significant partnership between SuniTAFE and La Trobe University.

Mildura Rural City Council CEO Martin Hawson and La Trobe University Mildura Head of Campus Sandra Connor both articulated the importance of this collaboration in enhancing the region's educational landscape and supporting its agricultural backbone.

Ms Connor also shared her personal journey back to education through TAFE, reinforcing the transformative power of learning and the partnership's role in facilitating access to higher education and nurturing community resilience.

A Testament to Hard Work and Supportive Networks

The event was not just a celebration of academic achievement but also an acknowledgment of the dedication of staff, students, and industry partners throughout the academic year.

Over 30 individuals were honoured with awards or scholarships, recognising their hard work and the supportive environment that fosters such success.

For a full list of award winners or to read more about the event, click here.