SuniTAFE Swan Hill campus was lucky to have a Be Wise presentation by Peter from the
Pat Cronin Foundation recently.
Be Wise is empowering young Australians to handle conflict, look after their mates and make wise decisions—so we can End the Coward Punch, together.
The presentation which went for approximately 60 minutes was attended by 65 participants (staff and apprentices) from Trades.
SuniTAFE is the first TAFE to have the presentation delivered at.
Pat's Story
Pat will always be 19 years old. He will never have another birthday, or play another footy game, or finish studying health science and physiotherapy under the scholarship he was awarded.
Pat went out on Saturday 16 April, 2016 for a few quiet drinks with mates after playing his first senior football match alongside his big brother. He wasn’t a fighter, it just wasn’t his scene. But when a brawl started to build outside the pub, being the loyal and caring mate he was, Pat stepped in to pull a friend away. It was then that Pat was punched in the head from behind.
Learn more about
Pat Cronin's story here.
Find out more about the
Pat Cronin Foundation here.