Work Health and Safety Digital System


What are Work Health and Safety Digital Systems used for?

A farm-based Work Health and Safety digital system is used for various training units involving Work Health and Safety (WHS). The system is used for the development and access of WHS policies and procedures such as: Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), Safe Work Procedures (SWP) and risk assessments.

Available as an app or via a web-based version on a desktop, the WHS Digital System is a tool that helps manage safety and compliance obligations, digitise record keeping and simplify the reporting process.  

How does the SuniTAFE SMART Farm use the Work Health and Safety Digital System?  

The SuniTAFE SMART Farm uses the WHS Digital System as part of day-to-day operations, and during educational training. 

For example, all chemical and spray records are entered into the WHS Digital System. As sprays are applied on the SuniTAFE SMART Farm, we can update our inventory of chemicals on site.  This assists in ordering chemical stock (rather than over-ordering supplies and storing excessive quantities on site). 

The SuniTAFE SMART Farm also benefits from the system’s ability to list risks and triage repair and maintenance scheduling.  

Our courses in Horticulture and Agriculture now use the Work Health and Safety digital system as we transition to SMART farming.

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