Weedicide Unit
What are Weedicide Units used for?
The Weedicide Unit is a herbicide sprayer that uses advanced optics and computers to detect weeds, combining boiling water and saturated steam at low pressure to kill weeds.
When weeds are hit using the hand-held wand, they are cooked instantly. This leaves behind a chemical-free mulch for soil organisms to feed on. As a result, soil health improves over time.
How does the SuniTAFE SMART Farm use the Weedicide Unit?
The Weedicide Unit allows Horticulture and Agriculture students and teachers at the SuniTAFE SMART Farm to use mixtures of different herbicide groups. These herbicide groups may be currently too expensive to apply in a blanket application. This will prolong the life of existing herbicides and reduce resistance in weed populations, greatly improving sustainability of cropping systems.
Our courses in Horticulture and Agriculture now use the Weedicide Unit as we transition to SMART farming.
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