SuniTAFE SMART Farm has collaborated with a number of partners to conduct trials and research projects. The purpose is to address key challenges facing the industry today and in the future.
Not only do we continue to undertake trials and research projects, but you can get involved too! We encourage you to take on a trial site at the SMART Farm, trial new technology or processes. We can help you connect with other industry leaders, peak bodies, local growers, schools and SuniTAFE students.
If you are interested in innovating, then the SMART Farm can assist.
THE SuniTAFE SMART Farm has played a critical role in a program to improve bio-security preparation, resilience, and responsiveness to pests in horticulture and agriculture. Read more
A collaboration between Australian Primary Hemp (APH) and SuniTAFE will see the land at the SuniTAFE SMART Farm set aside for hemp plantings, to assess its suitability to collect data on low-THC hemp varieties. Read more