Industry: real training for real jobs

One of the major issues facing regional Australia is the lack of skilled people to fill vacancies in the workforce. Preparing people of all ages for the workforce is the role of SuniTAFE, which provides a wide range of courses to assist prospective students become work ready. 

New approaches to delivery will pave a strong future path for SuniTAFE. Delivering real training for real jobs will be a focus, building a clear pathway between training and job opportunities, and proactively matching courses to employment outcomes
SuniTAFE's Skills and Jobs Centre is designed to assist students and jobseekers looking to start training, workers that require reskilling, career changers, and as a vehicle to match jobseekers and employers with tailored training programs that meets industry expectation.
SuniTAFE has proven ability to build relationships. We recognise the strength and importance that united partnerships play for the purpose of generating regionally beneficial outcomes in known, emerging and priority growth areas to address in demand skills.

In 2017 the Regional Skills Demand Profile for the Mallee Region led by the Victorian Skills Commissioner was released. The report recommended a closer alignment of the VET system with the current and future demand of industry in the region.

The region is a major food producer, with grain, fruit and wine grapes being the predominant industry outputs. Growth in non-food industries is however increasing, with mineral sands emerging as a significant industry and renewable energy gaining importance. The region is positioning itself to be the centre of Australia’s solar industry through facilities near Mildura, Swan Hill and Kerang. These environmental factors have largely influenced the development of SuniTAFE’s decision-making in respect to its course offerings.
The Mallee region is experiencing strong growth, providing both opportunities and challenges. We are committed to supporting our communities and understand the challenges faced by business to not only survive but to develop a workforce for the purpose of growth to build local community capacity. SuniTAFE plays an integral part in the vibrancy of our local economies through progressive collaboration and have taken deliberate steps to align program offerings accordingly with a strong focus on youth retention, career changing individuals and upskilling locals for local opportunities.

The Board and Management share a vision of SuniTAFE as a modern progressive TAFE responsive to the needs of students and employers and able to meet the education and training needs of the broader community as it continues to meet the challenges of new technology and expanding health services, transport and logistics and rapidly growing and increasingly sophisticated agricultural and horticultural sectors.

Stay up to date with the latest news

SuniTAFE SMART Farm Wins Award for Best Dried Fruit

SuniTAFE’s SMART Farm campus had reason to celebrate at the end of 2024, receiving two prizes at the annual Sunbeam Awards.   Read more

TAFEKids Kindergarten Graduation 2024

School is out for the TAFEKids Kindergarten class of 2024, and their successful year was celebrated earlier this month with a graduation ceremony.   Read more

SuniTAFE Embraces the Gift of Giving

Young people across the Mallee will open a gift from SuniTAFE at Christmas time this year, thanks to the Mallee Family Care Christmas Appeal.   Read more

2024 Surveys

SuniTAFE is seeking your views on the quality of our education and training. Read more

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Industry Outlook

Retail Trade Outlook

Retail is characterised largely by traditional shopfronts, boutiques and family owned businesses. There are several large retailers in larger regional centres, such as the Country Target in Kerang and Harvey Norman at Mildura.

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Industry Outlook

Manufacturing Outlook

Manufacturing in the Region is closely linked to its economic activity in agriculture, transport, automotive, construction and related industries. Food and beverage processing comprises a significant part of the Region’s manufacturing industry.

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Industry Outlook

Hospitality and Tourism Outlook

The Region’s hospitality and tourism industries are diverse. Businesses range from many family owned cafes, restaurants and motels to larger hotels and tourism operators.

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Industry Outlook

Transport, Logistics and Automotive Outlook

Transport, logistics and automotive are closely linked with broader agribusiness industries in the Region.

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Industry Outlook

Horticulture Outlook

Horticultural industries are supported in part by the Murray River, enjoying ~1000 km2 of irrigated horticulture along the corridor from Nyah in the south-east to the South Australian border in the north-west.

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